
Aside from tutorials which take you step by step on how to create a tutorial, we also felt that it useful to show additional examples on things you can make with Javis! These animations do not have an accompanying tutorial but rather, scripts that you can examine, tweak, and modify to suit your own purposes. If you have an interesting example that you would like to share with us, open a PR (check out our Contributing Guide on how to do this) and we'd be happy to add your example to this page!

Follow pathFollow a PathThis creates a bezier curve to draw the outline of a car and have a circle go around that outlined path. follow_path, makebezierpath, and appear were used to create this animation.
Julia logo using fourier seriesDraw the Julia LogoDrawing the Julia logo using Fourier series approximation. It uses the libraries FFTW, FFTViews and TravelingSalesmanHeuristics. Inspired by ric-cioffi
Projection of a rotating pointProject a rotating pointCreates a rotating point and its projection on the positive orthant. Inspired by matbesancon
Cosmic dance of earth and venusEarth Venus Cosmic DanceThis creates a beautiful animation of the cosmic dance of Earth and Venus giving rise to the 5 petals. Contributed by Ved Mahajan
ODE visualizationEscaping the swirling vortexThis shows the vector field of a nonautonomous ODE for which the eigenvalues of the jacobian have negative real part but the origin is unstable, so the nonstationary solutions "escape the swirling vortex". The system of ODEs is credited to L. Markus and H. Yamabe (1960). Contributed by Ricardo M. S. Rosa
Galton boardGalton BoardThis shows a visualisation of the Galton Board, created by Francis Galton, that is used demonstrate the central limit theorem. Contributed by Enzio Kam.
Central Limit TheoremCemtral Limit TheoremThis shows a visualization of the convergence of the mean of IID variables to a Gaussian distribution. Contributed by gpucce.
Gravities of the Solar SystemGravities of the Solar SystemComparison of different gravities in the solar system. Inspired by @physicsJ animation here. Contributed by Anson Biggs
Chaos GameChaos GameThis draws an animation of the construction of a Sierpinski Fractal using the Chaos Game drawing method. Uses Luxor.jl's polygon methods and JLine. Contributed by razetime.