Tutorial 3: What Are Objects?

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to make a brain! 🧠 Well, not exactly making a brain. Instead, we are going to animate brain activity by simulating a 10-20 EEG Electrode Array using random data.

When you are done with this tutorial, you will have created the following animation:

Learning Outcomes

From this project tutorial you will:

  • Clearly understand how to use Object types to create an animation
  • Be able to create more complex animations
  • Display meaningful information on your animations

Setting Up Our Animation

As demonstrated in prior tutorials, we will use Javis to create a Video object:

using Javis

video = Video(500, 500)

Let's define our background function to create the backdrop of our frames:

function ground(args...)

If we were to execute the render command now, this is what would appear as an output of the following execution:

video = Video(500, 500)
anim_background = Background(1:10, ground)
render(video, pathname = "eeg.gif", framerate = 1)

As you can see, we have generated a blank gif. Not exactly what we want but it is a start! We used a special type of object called Background. This applies whatever function that is provided to it as the default background of any future animations produced by a future object.

NOTE: For this animation, we will be using a framerate of 1 frame per second. Thus, why framerate is set to the value of 1 in render.

Getting A - head

Now that we have created our default background via the Background, let's move onto making the head that we will attach our electrodes to!

First, we define an additional function that allows us to draw a circle. This will be used extensively later:

function circ(p = O, color = "black", action = :fill, radius = 25, edge = "solid")
    circle(p, radius, action)

We can now do the exciting part – using an Object! Objects are at the very heart of the entire Javis library and are the foundational building blocks to make animations. Objects are what is used to draw on a frame!

Using the circ function we defined, we can use an Object to draw a head. The following invocation will create the head:

head = Object((args...) -> circ(O, "black", :stroke, 170))

An Object consists of at least one part, namely calling a function which draws something on to the canvas. Objects are comprised of Frames (which can be optionally defined), a drawing function func, and an optional Animation (this functionality is explained more in future tutorials).


The default of an Object is to use the same frames as a previous Object. Besides that there are three other options:

  • Define the range explicitly i.e. 1:100.
  • Use the default or explicitly write :same into the unit range location which means the same frames as before
  • Use RFrames to specify it relative to the previously defined frame range
    • RFrames(10) which is short for RFrames(1:10) after an Object which is defined for 1:100 would mean 101:110.
    You just want to make sure that you don't define a frame range greater than the frame range defined for Background.


The most important part of each Object is the drawing function func that defines what should be drawn in these frames. Under the hood, Javis calls func with three arguments (video, object, and framenumber) but you do not need to preoccupy yourself with these. Just make func an anonymous function and define the output being drawn in the canvas:

(args...) -> my_drawing_function(my_drawing_arguments...)

(The args... don't even need to be part of the output!)

In Tutorial 1, we saw that my_drawing_function could either be a Luxor function or a function which calls some Luxor functions to draw on the canvas.

Now that those explanations are out of the way, back to the brain!

The code

head = Object((args...) -> circ(O, "black", :stroke, 170))


Now we are getting a - head! πŸ˜ƒ

Placing the Electrodes

To draw our electrodes, it would be useful to have a frame of reference for where the electrodes are supposed to go. Let's draw some axes for our electrode locations!

We will need to define a new function that allows us to draw lines. This is accomplished by the following function definition:

function draw_line(p1 = O, p2 = O, color = "black", action = :stroke, edge = "solid")
    line(p1, p2, action)

Now, we can add in some grid lines for our electrode array. The following code places a vertical and horizontal axis as well as an inscribed circle to represent polar placement of the electrodes:

inside_circle = Object((args...) -> circ(O, "black", :stroke, 140, "longdashed"))
vert_line = Object(
    (args...) ->
        draw_line(Point(0, -170), Point(0, 170), "black", :stroke, "longdashed"),
horiz_line = Object(
    (args...) ->
        draw_line(Point(-170, 0), Point(170, 0), "black", :stroke, "longdashed"),

Great! Now that we have the gridlines, let's add in our electrodes!

We have to define our own function to create an electrode. The following code accomplishes this goal:

function electrode(
    p = O,
    fill_color = "white",
    outline_color = "black",
    action = :fill,
    radius = 25,
    circ_text = "",
    circle(p, radius, :fill)
    circle(p, radius, :stroke)
    text(circ_text, p, valign = :middle, halign = :center)

Essentially, all the electrode function does is draws two circles on top of each other. One circle creates a white circle for the backdrop of text provided to it and the other circle provides a black outline.

From there, we need to position our electrodes! I already went through and created a named tuple which defines an electrode's name and its position.

Go ahead and copy this to save yourself the time to place these perfectly. I already did this for you - aren't I great? πŸ˜‰

electrodes_list = [
    (name = "Cz", position = O),
    (name = "C3", position = Point(-70, 0)),
    (name = "C4", position = Point(70, 0)),
    (name = "T3", position = Point(-140, 0)),
    (name = "T4", position = Point(140, 0)),
    (name = "Pz", position = Point(0, 70)),
    (name = "P3", position = Point(-50, 70)),
    (name = "P4", position = Point(50, 70)),
    (name = "Fz", position = Point(0, -70)),
    (name = "F3", position = Point(-50, -70)),
    (name = "F4", position = Point(50, -70)),
    (name = "F8", position = Point(115, -80)),
    (name = "F7", position = Point(-115, -80)),
    (name = "T6", position = Point(115, 80)),
    (name = "T5", position = Point(-115, 80)),
    (name = "Fp2", position = Point(40, -135)),
    (name = "Fp1", position = Point(-40, -135)),
    (name = "A1", position = Point(-190, -10)),
    (name = "A2", position = Point(190, -10)),
    (name = "O1", position = Point(-40, 135)),
    (name = "O2", position = Point(40, 135)),

Finally, we can broadcast these points and names to our previously defined electrode function. Also, we need to define the radius of our electrodes; we will set that to 15:

radius = 15 # Radius of the electrodes
for num in 1:length(electrodes_list)
        (args...) ->

Now, executing this code block with our previously defined functions, we get this output:

"If Only I Had a Brain..." 🎡

I think this is starting to come together quite nicely! It would appear that our subject however has no brain activity - quite alarming! 😱 Like the scarecrow from the film, The Wizard of Oz, let's give him a brain!

To simulate brain activity, we are going to add one more package from Julia base. This package is the Random package and it needs to be added like such:

using Javis
using Random

From there, we need to define colors to represent no, low, medium, and high brain activity. Feel free to change up the colors! I chose these colors that need to be added to your code:

indicators = ["white", "gold1", "darkolivegreen1", "tomato"]

From there, we also need to change the code block that defined the electrode locations. The previous electrode code looked like this

for num in 1:length(electrodes_list)
        (args...) ->
                rand(indicators, length(electrodes_list)),

However, what we now need to change is "white" to rand(indicators, length(electrodes_list)) for each electrode. The rand function allows proper broadcasting such that a new color is chosen for each electrode between frames. Without having the length(electrodes_list) random colors would be generated but only for the first frame. The next frame would then keep these colors for the rest of the animation.

An example resulting electrode configuration with random colors looks like this:

for num in 1:length(electrodes_list)
        (args...) ->
                rand(indicators, length(electrodes_list)),

Once all these modifications were made, execute your EEG and you should get something that looks like this:

IT'S ALIVE!!! πŸ”¬ We could finish this now, but let's add just a little bit more polish to it.

As You Can See Here...

Let's add some information to our animation. We can create an info box using the following function:

function info_box(video, object, frame)
    box(140, -210, 170, 40, :stroke)
    text("10-20 EEG Array Readings", 140, -220, valign = :middle, halign = :center)
    text("t = $(frame)s", 140, -200, valign = :middle, halign = :center)

It's invocation in the code looks like this:

info = Object(info_box)

NOTE: The function for info_box is a little different! Each Object receives three additional variables being a Video object, which was previously defined outside of the render function, an Object, and the current frame number.

Once everything is executed, we get this very nice and clean looking animation which shows what this animation is and when parts of the brain are activated:


Congratulations! πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ You made a brain! To recap, by working through this animation you should now:

  1. Clearly understand how to use an Object
  2. Be able to create your own Object
  3. Know how to approach complex animations
  4. Make meaningful information displayed easily on your animations

Great job leveling up your Javis skills! πŸ’ͺ

Full Code

In case you ran into any issues or confusion, here is the full code:

using Javis
using Random

function ground(args...)

function draw_line(p1 = O, p2 = O, color = "black", action = :stroke, edge = "solid")
    line(p1, p2, action)

function circ(p = O, color = "black", action = :fill, radius = 25, edge = "solid")
    circle(p, radius, action)

function info_box(video, object, frame)
    box(140, -210, 170, 40, :stroke)
    text("10-20 EEG Array Readings", 140, -220, valign = :middle, halign = :center)
    text("t = $(frame)s", 140, -200, valign = :middle, halign = :center)

function electrode(
    p = O,
    fill_color = "white",
    outline_color = "black",
    action = :fill,
    radius = 25,
    circ_text = "",
    circle(p, radius, :fill)
    circle(p, radius, :stroke)
    text(circ_text, p, valign = :middle, halign = :center)

electrodes_list = [
    (name = "Cz", position = O),
    (name = "C3", position = Point(-70, 0)),
    (name = "C4", position = Point(70, 0)),
    (name = "T3", position = Point(-140, 0)),
    (name = "T4", position = Point(140, 0)),
    (name = "Pz", position = Point(0, 70)),
    (name = "P3", position = Point(-50, 70)),
    (name = "P4", position = Point(50, 70)),
    (name = "Fz", position = Point(0, -70)),
    (name = "F3", position = Point(-50, -70)),
    (name = "F4", position = Point(50, -70)),
    (name = "F8", position = Point(115, -80)),
    (name = "F7", position = Point(-115, -80)),
    (name = "T6", position = Point(115, 80)),
    (name = "T5", position = Point(-115, 80)),
    (name = "Fp2", position = Point(40, -135)),
    (name = "Fp1", position = Point(-40, -135)),
    (name = "A1", position = Point(-190, -10)),
    (name = "A2", position = Point(190, -10)),
    (name = "O1", position = Point(-40, 135)),
    (name = "O2", position = Point(40, 135)),

radius = 15
indicators = ["white", "gold1", "darkolivegreen1", "tomato"]
demo = Video(500, 500)

anim_background = Background(1:10, ground)
head = Object((args...) -> circ(O, "black", :stroke, 170))
inside_circle = Object((args...) -> circ(O, "black", :stroke, 140, "longdashed"))
vert_line = Object(
    (args...) ->
        draw_line(Point(0, -170), Point(0, 170), "black", :stroke, "longdashed"),
horiz_line = Object(
    (args...) ->
        draw_line(Point(-170, 0), Point(170, 0), "black", :stroke, "longdashed"),

for num in 1:length(electrodes_list)
        (args...) ->
                rand(indicators, length(electrodes_list)),
info = Object(info_box)

render(demo, pathname = "eeg.gif", framerate = 1)

Author(s): Jacob Zelko, Ole KrΓΆger
Date: August 11th, 2020
Tag(s): brain, EEG, project, tutorial, electrodes, Object, Background